Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Journey of Prayer

Last night I attended a wedding. The bride was a young woman that I have known since she was child. Her mother and I have met for seven years to pray for our children. We have met almost every Monday. This bride was the youngest of our children and now she has flown the nest.

Many of you know that my book, Divine Prayers for Despairing Parents: What to Pray When You Don't Know What to Say, was written out of my prayer experience. My friend and I have prayed through most types of parental heartache. The journey has not been easy and it certainly has been slow. I relate to the biblical phrase, "In the course of time . . ." But the journey has been worth it. I have witnessed my children mature and grow into adults.

I would like to encourage everyone to find a prayer partner. Pray for your children and let them know that you are actively seeking the throne of God on their behalf. Ask them what they would like you to pray about for them. (You may only get a roll of the eyes, but they hear you ask.)

And if you are in despair over your child and don't even know what to pray, I will be giving two excerpts from Divine Prayers for Despairing Parents the next two days. I hope this will help you jump start your prayer journey for your own kids.

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